Life does not feel like war to the average American Christian.
Life is
. . . a trip to the coffee shop
. . . a drive in a comfortable vehicle
. . . a good sleep in a safe cushy spot
. . . an eight to five job
Life may be a little more difficult than that like, stressful jobs or family situations, loved ones dying, abuse and loneliness.
But it's very rarely a battle for our lives!
For me, life is just plain good.
. . . a nice warm home.
. . . a husband who loves me and provides for our children.
. . . healthy children whom I enjoy immensely.
. . . a "safe" neighborhood.
It is easy to forget that we are commanded each day to wake up and fight.
Not against flesh and blood.
But it is becoming increasingly apparent to me that Satan hates truth, hates families, hates churches, and hates acts of love. He loves bitter anger, white lies, broken marriages, disconnected churches, selfish pride.
The four o'clock hour comes (by far the hardest time of the day for me right now as a mom) and dinner needs to be made, children are waking often cranky, hungry and wanting to be held . . . my energy has been spent working and teaching for a solid 8 hours with very little, if any, break. It doesn't take much to tip my attitude from one of joy and thankfulness to stress and annoyance.
At four o'clock I need to fight the battle. My children are learning from me and taking cues. More is caught than taught. Will they see a thankful mother who is praising the Lord with every moment or a joyless, stressed, "you all are being a bother to me right now" mom?
When my husband comes home at the end of that stressful hour and has a lot on his mind and doesn't realize the state of exhaustion that I am in will my attitude tip into the "poor me" category? Will I be jealous of his 15 minute walk break (alone!), and his interactions with people over the age of 5? Will I allow my thoughts to stay there and, in my heart, dishonor my husband and thus dishonor God? Will my dishonor rob my children of reverence, honor and a grateful heart? Or will I greet him with a smile and, when necessary, a communication of 'I don't have much left in me.' He is wonderful but he cannot read my mind. :-)
When I try to share the gospel with someone and I feel as though I am talking to the wind and everything is of no avail will my children see me discouraged and giving up on that soul? Or will I gather my little ones to fight with me in prayer? Will they hear me acknowledge that nothing I can say or do will cause one soul to be born again? Will they understand that Satan wants that soul confused and lost but Jesus died to set them free from sin and death?
When I walk through the house and see toys on the floor, grimy table and chairs, dishes to be done, laundry to be put away . . . will I start barking commands and giving lectures on "if you get it out put it away!" Or will I thoughtfully organize my children's day so that cleaning up after themselves is a learned habit? And if I just can't seem to do that will I still realize that a clean house is nice but at the end of time that beautiful clean house will burn! Criticism and anger affect the soul. Those souls live into eternity. It would be foolish to damage relationships over toy and dishes and dust.
When hurtful thoughts flood my mind . . . coming as quickly as I can put them out . . . will I sink into hopelessness and become discouraged at the long length of this battle? Or will I take hope in the fact that, if I were of no threat to the enemy, there would be no such attack? Will I take up the Sword of the Spirit and experience how powerful the Word of God is?
When I hear of other people's failures and struggles will I succumb to "this must be too hard for me if it is too hard for them. It all feels overwhelmingly impossible." Or will I get on my knees and earnestly pray that they will rise back up, though wounded, and fight again for our Savior and King?
How often do I pray for my fellow soldiers? Do I know them well enough to pray for the specifically and effectively? Do I care only for my own victory and that of my husband and children? Or do I understand that I am part of ONE body and we are members, one of another.
Life in America seems to be good and nonthreatening right now.
But there is a battle unseen.
It has more potential for harm than a physical battle.
This is a fight for souls and for eternity.
We must fight for each other.
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