Monday, July 21, 2014

The Good Life. What Is It?

The Creator of all placed you in my hands 
I tremble a little as I consider it all 

I love you
I want you to have the best 
I want you to have the good life

I smile into your eyes 
Because part of the good life 
Is living loved 

I teach you new things 
I jump into your interests 
I answer your questions 
Because part of the good life 
Is learning and succeeding 

I take you to the woods and water 
I let you run barefoot 
I plant a garden and serve you its fruits 
Because part of the good life 
Is experiencing the world in which you live 

Yet all of this could be wrenched from your hands 
You could be orphaned. Unloved. 
You could be enslaved with no time to learn 
You could be imprisoned and without the beauty of nature

And you could still live the good life there 

Because the good life is to know God. 

He does not merely improve life 
He is life. 

Let me die young; let me die poor, imprisoned or forgotten. But I will die happy if I know that these little souls have found life. And may they live in its abundance. 

". . . I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." 
 JOHN 10:10

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