Monday, July 28, 2014

1/4 of my life.

There are a few special dates in my life. But July 26th is about the best.

The handsome man, holding that cute baby, became my husband on that day.

We love the beach so we loaded everyone up and went off to celebrate the day.

I know that I enjoy being with him now even more than I did at the beginning.

He thrills me.

Though sometimes I feel kind of sad . . .

that I'm not more for him

and that we're not the same age, being raised next door and becoming best friends, to get married right out of high school. :-) Because life with him is so good that I just want as much time with him as humanly possible.

But we've been married six years . . . that's a 1/4 of my life.

I'm grateful for that quarter.

And grateful beyond words for him, who asked me to be his wife and has loved me like Christ loves. He has loved me at times when I know that it was far from fun and not the least bit thrilling. He has held me close and helped keep me stable during a lot of change and challenge. He has always pointed me to Christ. He has looked into my despairing, tired eyes and commanded me to never give up. He has talked  with me when he was exhausted. Cared for me when I have been sick. Prayed for me when I thought he was sleeping.

. . . and, on a less serious note, he is always joking around to the point that our children get sarcasm down to the 13 month old baby. I'm not joking. :-)

He's pretty fun to live with.

With him life is sweet and fun. Exciting, yet stable.

Yes, I hand picked him and wanted him and loved him since I was 17.

But God brought it together.

And we give Him praise for all that He has done.

And, who knew, that our kids would be about the cutest?? *wink*

1 comment:

Karen said...

What awesome pictures of such a beautiful family! 1/4 of your life! WOW! That puts things in perspective. I'm glad God brought you & Luke together. We are grateful to God for blessing US with Luke for a son-in-law. He is exactly who God wanted even in your extended family's lives. We love you both!
Or should I say all six! ;-)