Sunday, October 29, 2006

Shock - Despair - Dread - Horror

How did I get here?
Why did someone not tell me?
Why did someone not plead?
Now I am stuck here for all eternity!

I was told to be good
I kept the golden rule
Did no one know?
There was more to be understood

I got there that day expecting to enter in
He shook his head sadly
I was pulled violently away
I cried, I screamed, “Is there any other way?”

Eternity drags on with no end
No light, no hope, no one to come
This is it – it is the life I now live

It is dark and horrid and hot
I cannot endure one more moment
Yet, I am forced to endure this eternity
An eternity of unspeakable agony

If they will perish into outer darkness
Do not let them go until you have begged
Let no soul walk the path to hell unless they have…
Leaped over our bodies
Drown out our cries
Ignored our prayers
And shook off the grasp of our pleading hands

I wrote this in part because of convictions that the Lord has recently laid on my heart. This past Friday, my mom went and spoke with an elderly lady who was dying. She asked her to repent and make Christ her Lord before passing into eternity. This woman has a false hope. She lived a good life. She did the best she could. Will not the merciful, loving Jesus understand and let her in?

But Christian; what about the straight and narrow gate? A true vision of God has been lost in a culture love and grace. Are we so advanced and equipped with a better understanding that we cannot believe God when he declared that, “All liars will have their part in the lake of fire”?

Would love cause us to stand idle as people sink into hell around us? Where is the love that caused a man to stand on the street corner and proclaim truth to the homeless? Where is the love that motivated Johnathon Edwards to tell his congregation that they were hanging on a spider’s web over the pit of hell?

The culture in which we live tells us that this kind of passionate love is no longer socially correct. In fact, when you mention the word “hell” people look at you side ways. However, culture is religion externalized. The “culture” of our churches has progressed to a selfish and prideful state that does not warn a fellow human being when they are headed for eternal hell.

I am not suggesting that we go throughout our daily lives, stopping random people, getting on our knees and begging them to become Christians. I am suggesting that we get out of our comfort zone, knock on a couple of doors, pass out some tracks, proclaim the truth by the way we live our lives, and strike up conversations with strangers for the purpose of bringing up spiritual things.

I am preaching to myself as well. It is so easy to get out of the swing of forcing yourself to witness. I used to go knock on people’s doors, start talking to them about less confrontational subjects, and then bring up the subject of the gospel. Sure, I got some nasty people and experienced the occasional door slam. But thinking back, I remember more clearly the people who ended up with awe struck faces that had horror written all over them. For the first time, someone had explained to them why they deserved hell and needed a Savior. Their cry was, “What can I do to be saved?!” I remember the lady that read her Bible every day and tried so hard to be good. When I explained the gospel and the grace of God she ended up in tears and warmly thanked me. People need to know! How can they hear without a preacher?

Hold me accountable. No Christian is successful if they are living inside of a cult, doing “good thing,” being kind and yet never fulfilling the purpose for which God has left us here. People are perishing. Cry, pray, plead, and grasp on to them!


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'd say that's a bit convicting.It is so difficult for me to force myself to talk to others about Christ. But it certainly shouldn't be that way. He has done sooo much for me, why would I not share the Gospel with others? Well, because I'm afraid of what others will think of me (I hate to admit it).
I'm sure everyone will agree with me when I say "Preach on!"

Becca-Boo said...

Good point Shay. I myself have the same problem.
I find myself thinking " Why do people say if they go to hell at least they'll be with their friends?" It's not true. When you go to hell you are completly alone. Isalated. It scares me to think of that. When you die that's it. You don't get another chances. It's for eternity.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lara about needing to be an example of Christ's love with our lives... But I also think it is very important to share the Gospel verbally, because I have the tendency to want to "hide" behind the excuse of "Well, I'll just let my life be the example of Christ (which doesn't always happen : ) ), so I don't need to verbally communicate to others about it." Well, how can we show others that they're going to hell unless they repent, simply by the way we live our lives? So I think a healthy balance is required.