Wednesday, October 25, 2006


In the last few days I have found myself with this indescribable, incredibly deep longing to see my brother. In less than two months I can run to him in the Portland airport, full speed ahead and hug him and see him and spend time with him and just be with him! At that time I won't merely hear his voice through a cell phone (Praise the Lord that we can talk!) but I will see him. Ahhh! I cannot even express how much I long for this day to come quickly.

As I was thinking about him today, I was whispered to myself, "Ah, I can't wait. I love him so much." I was pricked in my conscience. Do I have that same overbearing desire to be with, talk to, and spend time with my Lord? Why, when I woke up an hour late this morning, did I mutter, "Arg! I still have to do my devotions and I'm supposed to start working in 15 minutes." Do I daily delight in the Lord? Why not?

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