Thursday, December 07, 2017

I still know what it felt like to have her hand in mine
I can hear her voice, feel her hug, anticipate her smile

I used to play
She used to sing

It wasn't worthy of performance
But we both loved music
And we loved each other

She's been gone for years
But I think of her so often

She still influences my thoughts
She silently encourages me to speak to others

I remember her gentle nudge
When my social skills were lacking
People loved her because she spoke to them
And always thought of others

Compassion was valued
Children delighted in

All she cherished seems to be in my blood
Forever influencing me

She faced death with such courage
I can still hear the silence being broken
Her voice beginning the doxology
Urging us to thank Him for the time we'd had together

Never tears without praise
Never pain uncoupled with forgiveness

She is gone
Yet she remains

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Merry Christmas, Grandma.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful tribute! It will be joy to be able to meet grandma Krueger in heaven someday

Chris said...

Wish she could have met Jee Eun and the kids. Such a unique person with an undying influence. You're right, she's gone but yet remains. Thank you for this :)