Friday, December 26, 2014

Two Year Olds

After having three of them I can honestly still say that I love this age!

They love to be involved in everything, say the funniest things and yes, they demonstrate unreasonable behavior at times too especially during the holiday rush of being frazzled and tired. Eden took a good long nap on this Christmas day. Too long.

So long that she was lying about having to use the bathroom so she could get out of bed this evening.

Through a conversation about the sin of lying, God having to come as baby Jesus and die on the cross because of sin and the reality of heaven and hell, she sweetly said, "I don't want to go to hell."

I smiled at her sweet face. "That's why we celebrate Christmas, Eden, because Jesus came to die instead of you. He died for you so that you can go to heaven."

"I don't want to go to heaven." She persisted, whining.

Me: "Well, where do you want to go then?"

Eden: "I want to go to Costco,"

Well . . . I guess Christmas gospel messages are a little unpredictable at two. :-)

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