Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Conservative's Choice

This is a persuasive speech that I wrote for English. Enjoy...and don't be afraid to comment! :)

Our Republic has become a Democracy. Many Americans see our nation as having two parties: Democratic and Republican. Yet, what is the difference between the two? This question was asked by very few Americans before they rushed to the ballot box in the year 2004. America is no longer a two party nation. This is not the fault of the humanist. It’s not the evolutionists that have caused our nation to become a Democracy. This is the Conservative’s choice.
When research is conducted I find shocking similarities and very few differences between the Democratic and the Republican platforms. Both parties are headed toward the cliff of disaster. The Democratic platform has our nation traveling at 110 mph while the Republican platform takes us at 55mph. Both results will eventually be the same. The disaster of our nation will assuredly come. What is the answer? How can we honor God, defend the family and restore the Republic?
The presidential election of the year 2004 clearly demonstrated the apathy and compromise that characterizes this nation. At first glance one may get excited as they see many conservatives state that they want to restore this nation. Many Christians were encouraged to become responsible citizens by voting. Who did they vote for? Many chose George W. Bush. Although I am encouraged by America’s desire for a moral nation I am disheartened to see the poor research and thought that went into the American people’s choice for president. I wonder how many conservatives took the time to read the entire Republican platform before casting their vote to George W. Bush. I fear that many looked at their choices as being Mr. Bush or Mr. Kerry and therefore voted a man into office that doesn’t represent their values. As citizens of the United States of America we have a God given responsibility to only vote into office those candidates who will fully uphold the Constitution of this nation.
What is wrong with George W. Bush? He is a professing Christian and claims to be pro-life. These statements would appeal to any conservative in America. I cannot know the heart of President Bush but I do doubt that he is indeed a born again Christian. When Bush said, during an exclusive interview ABC News’ Charles Gibson, that he believes Christians and Muslims worship the same God , I am led to doubt. When he claims that in the case of rape every women should have the right to an abortion, I am led to doubt. You see, it doesn’t matter how a child is conceived. It is life! You don’t suck out the brains of someone who is made in the image of God. I was impressed when reading an interview in the WORLD magazine about President Bush. He professed to read his Bible daily. However I was disheartened when he stated that he does not necessarily take it literally. George W. Bush is enough of a conservative to attract the conservatives and enough of a humanist to make the secular Americans feel comfortable.
It was during the 2004 election that I was encouraged to search out the values of Mr. Bush and the plat form of the Republican party. When evidence showed that neither the Republican nor Democratic party held true to the Constitution I was forced to look somewhere beyond these two parties. As a Bible believing Christian I could not support a candidate who allows murder. Call me insane, a fundamentalist or an extremist but I had no other option but to turn my attention to God-fearing man who was also running for office. This man had no chance of winning the election. Then again I don’t believe in chance. I believe in the sovereignty of almighty God. You could easily say that this man is an extremist but there is nothing more extreme to me than extracting the brains of innocent, unborn children. The only man running for president that was qualified to lead this nation was Michael Anthony Peroutka. In fact, both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry revealed in the presidential debates that they would break their oath of office. There is something wrong when a candidate shows his intention of breaking his oath of office before he takes it. Both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry promised to give money, which America doesn’t have to begin with, to clearly unconstitutional programs.
Imagine if I received a check today for seven trillion dollars and then found a representative to take that money and place it on President Bush’s desk to pay off all the debt of America. If that happened and those debts were paid off, our nation would then be broke. We would be free from debt, but we would have no money! Yet the President sees fit to plunge countless dollars into public schools, health care and enforcing seat belt laws. It is not the responsibility of the government to make sure that you wear a seat belt. It is not the responsibility of the government to make sure that you have health care. Further more, it is not the responsibility of the government to educate your children. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that their child is safe, provided for and educated. It is the church’s responsibility to care for the elderly and those who cannot care for themselves. The government has largely overstepped its role.
My cry and plea is to the churches of America. Stop voting for someone who does not represent your beliefs. Stop voting for the lesser of two evils because that is what seems logical and reasonable. Start trusting in the sovereignty of God. We owe it to the Fathers of this Nation. We owe it to those who sweat, bled, shivered, ached and died so that we could have a God honoring Republic. Those men did not die so that we could have seat belt laws and gun control. They bled and died so that we could raise our children to honor and serve God. They suffered loss so that we could be an independent and free nation: Free to honor, serve and obey the One who created us. May God bless America.


Kelci Lavelle said...

Ok, sry Al! But I just don't have time to read that right now! I'll try to come bak later, lol!

Allison said...

haha. Sure Kelc :)

Eaglet said...

Thanks for sharing your speech and reminding us that the oath of office means something through your support of a candidate who recognizes this.

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